Thursday, May 04, 2006

O'Reilly Lies About His Viewership

On the April 27th edition of The Radio Factor, Bill O'Reilly falsely claimed that "I already got the 6 million people watching me every night." Sorry Bill, but not that many people like you. The statistic from Nielson Media Research put the figure at 2,274,000 a night in Q1 2006. And Bill's key demographic, 25-54 years old, saw a 24% decline in Q1 2006, down to 406,000 viewers.

Transcripts from Media Matters:

O'REILLY: It doesn't matter what my percentage of gain is at The Factor in the world of cable news. I am so far ahead of everyone else, if I grow 1 percent or lose 1 percent, it doesn't matter. I already got the 6 million people watching me every night. If one of my competitors adds 200,000 viewers, they can run around screaming, "Oh, look at our percentage. Look how high we're up." And it's nothing, it means nothing, because they have nothing.


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