Tuesday, July 31, 2007

O'Reilly Falsely Accused Guest of Lying While Lying

On the July 26th O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly furthered his attacks against the Daily Kos, calling them a hate website, and criticizing the decision by some Democratic presidential candidates to attend the YearlyKos convention. Fox News contributor responded, "You had hateful comments on your website about Hillary Clinton." O'Reilly retorted (lying): "No, I didn't. We took them off." He later added, "That's a lie, and I can't let you say a lie on this broadcast." After cutting Hall's microphone, O'Reilly explained, "I can't let Jane lie. We don't allow hateful comments on BillOReilly.com. When they come up and we find them, we take them off." Billo, of course, was lying. One day later, as of 2 PM Pacific July 27, several comments about Hillary Clinton that were originally documented by Americablog remain on Billo's website, including one that caused Huffington Post blogger Lane Hudson to call for a Secret Service investigation.

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And the transcripts...

O'REILLY: Just a real quick -- I don't want to belabor this, but a week from today, the Democratic candidates for president will be heading to the Daily Kos convention. And as you know, we have exposed that place as a hate website. Jane still doesn't get it.

But what I am going to do, Jane? I mean, I can't come to your house. But I can tell you that last night, we ran a picture of President Bush that ran on the Daily Kos for three years. They took it off today, Bernie. Was that an accident they took that off?

GOLDBERG: No, of course not. I mean, let me make sure I understand this. The Democratic presidential candidates will go to this Daily Kos or YearlyKos convention and speak to the angriest activist core of the party, but they won't debate the issues on Fox News?

O'REILLY: Correct.

GOLDBERG: Why is that? Why is that?

O'REILLY: I don't know.

GOLDBERG: Because they're death -- I'll tell you why, because they're deathly afraid that the crazies in the Democratic Party will punish them if they come on Fox News. And this tells you --

O'REILLY: Well, that's what RealClearPolitics says. That's what -- there's an article today. That's what they said.

GOLDBERG: Yes, I know. And I think they're right. And this is all you need to know about the strength of character, or more precisely, the lack of character of the Democratic candidates --

O'REILLY: Oh, absolutely. I mean, look at --

GOLDBERG: -- who are terrified, terrified of the crazies in their party.

O'REILLY: They are -- they are absolutely terrified of them. And why? Go there, Jane, tonight, and see what they're saying about me right now.

HALL: OK, well, Bill, Bill --

O'REILLY: That's why. Well, hold it. You know, a guy like Richardson, the Governor Richardson of New Mexico, was treated so well not only on The Factor but by the whole network. And he's the biggest coward in the world.

And as soon as the far left tells him, "Don't you do that, don't you go on Fox News." "OK, I won't." OK, and this is a guy we want to go up against Al Qaeda, Jane? Yeah.

GOLDBERG: Yup. Exactly.

HALL: Well, you know, and I know there's that famous quote, you know, "If they can't face Fox News, can they face Al Qaeda?" That is a different issue. They should be on Fox News.

But again you are picking out -- I haven't seen this horrible -- you know, I've seen this photo that was taken down. You had hateful comments on your website about Hillary Clinton.

O'REILLY: No, I didn't. We took them off.

HALL: Yes, you did. You took them off? OK, they are not representative of your website, are they?

O'REILLY: Jane, Jane -- Jane, Jane -- that's a lie, and I can't let you say a lie.

HALL: You're misrepresenting the bulk of this website.

O'REILLY: Jane -- Jane. That's a lie, and I can't let you say a lie on this broadcast. We do not allow hateful comments.

HALL: There were comments you took off. My point is there are hateful comments on websites, Bill.

O'REILLY: We take them off. There were not. We take them off when they come on. All right, Jane.

Here's the truth. I can't let Jane lie. We don't allow hateful comments on BillOReilly.com. When they come up and we find them, we take them off. The instructions are you can't do it. That's it, Jane. All right. I'm sorry I had to be impolite. I cannot let you mislead our audience. We'll see you next week.


  1. anyone want to come on over and read my comment on silly billy o'reilly. i'd like to imagine i just wrote an amusing one.
    please feel free to pass judgement, vitriolic or otherwise

  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Its really very difficult to express our true thoughts in present era.

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Bill O'Reilly is a character in my book,"Bush Went to Hell," is available from www.createspace.com/900001895
    Bush Went to Hell is a fictionalized account of a time that will diminish the luster of U.S. history for centuries, a morality play and fierce social commentary about the misuse and abuse of power President George W. Bush and his cronies. What are the consequences of the President ignoring the Ten Commandments and justifying a deadly and brutal war with lies and deceit? The answer is: Bush goes to Hell and must face the eternal consequences.
    Website: www.kozhiman.com

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