Friday, June 30, 2006

Visitors to O'Reilly's Website Down 39%

Its not just Fox News's and Bill O'Reilly's television ratings that are down in the last quarter, but both Fox News and Bill O'Reilly's websites have lost a significant amount of traffic in the last 3 months. According to, which tracks web traffic and is owned by, Bill O'Reilly's website traffic was down 39% in the last 3 months, and Fox News's website was down 13%. See and
As we recently reported, Fox's overall ratings dropped 8% in the second quarter of 2006, including a 22% in the key demographic, viewers aged 25-54. O'Reilly's own ratings are also declining, according to a MediaBistro report, losing 11% in the 25-54 demo, and 8% in overall viewers.


  1. anyone want to come on over and read my comment on silly billy o'reilly. i'd like to imagine i just wrote an amusing one.
    please feel free to pass judgement, vitriolic or otherwise

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Love your site! Thought you'd be interested to see Gory Bateson's new music video "The Worst Person in the World," an homage to Keith Olbermann's segment and to several of his "Worst Persons in the World," featuring of course Bill O'Reilly.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    My theory is when Bill dropped his radio-factor he had all these "premium" members so he had to give them some premium for the money and trouble. So the has the post-factor stream that no one really cares about; after all Hannity follows the O'R show.
