Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bill O'Reilly Only Attacks Mexican Flag Wavers

Many media figures, including Mr. Bill O'Reiily, have attacked people for waving Mexican flags, which O'Reilly describes as a "race war".

O'REILLY: You have no policy unless you have border security. There's no policy. All the other stuff doesn't matter. Because you just cannot keep assimilating millions of people in here at the rate they're coming without unintended consequences. And you've got them all day long.

So now, it's becoming a race war. That's what it's becoming -- a race war. You see half a million people show up in L.A. and they were waving Mexican flags. And they're saying, "Hey, we have a right to be here." No, you don't. If you're illegal, you don't have a right to be here. But they don't see it that way.

But why isn't O'Reilly mad that on St. Patrick's Day people wave Irish flags, or that on Columbus Day people wave Italian flags, or that on Israel Day people wave Israeli flags? It sounds to me like O'Reilly is the one instigating his so-called race war, for only picking on Mexican flag-wavers while not caring about people of other nationalities waving their own respective flags.

On O'Reilly's show somebody brought up this point, which he quickly dismissed. The guest said that the Mexican flag is waved "[e]xactly the same way [as at] the St. Patrick's Day parade," to this, not being able to think of anything better or somewhat intelligent to say, O'Reilly retorted: "Come on."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It sounds to me like O'Reilly is the one instigating his so-called race war, for only picking on Mexican flag-wavers while not caring about people of other nationalities waving their own respective flags."

The difference, Vincent, is that the nationality  of those waving flags in the St. Patrick's Day parade is . . . drum roll . . . American. While their heritage  may be Irish, their nationality  is American -- they are American citizens.

That makes their  flag the Stars and Stripes, the flag of the country that holds their allegiance. They waved the Irish flag to honor their family heritage, not to show loyalty to Ireland.

Those who waved Mexican flags in the April protests were Mexican  citizens, not  American citizens. They are loyal to Mexico, not to the United States. For you to think otherwise is for you to show how foolish you are.

Living in the United States illegally makes you . . . an illegal alien. It does not make you an American.

12:53 PM  

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