Saturday, March 25, 2006

Blacklisted from Bill's Inbox!

It looks like Bill O'Reilly cannot stand to hear from somebody who doesn't agree with him, as it appears that he has blocked my email address. I have only sent him 3 emails in the last month, all on different topics, one of them was read on the air, but just a minute ago, when I tried to send him a follow-up email regarding the Judge Connor situtation, it bounced back to my inbox. I tried 3 more times, each time with the same result:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.
Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.2
X-Display-Name: Show -O'Reilly

I am very disappointed that Bill is not interested in my viewpoints, but this will not prevent me from getting my word across to Bill.

Here is the email that I tried to send to him:

Bill, Can you help me out? I'm confused here. When you were sued for sexual harassment, you thanked your viewers for giving you the benefit of the doubt when the media did not. Why can't Judge Connor be given the same? When you read my last letter on the air, you told me that it was your mandate as a member of the media to "look out for the folks." In your case, what was wrong with the media looking out for the woman who felt that you sexually harassed her, as wouldn't she be considered the "folk"? Why should the media had looked out for you, because in that case, you were not the "folk"? They were simply doing their job, just as you are doing? Or should we give Judge Connor the same benefit of the doubt that you expected?

I have sent Mr. O'Reilly a request to unblock my email address:

ATTN: Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Channel
March 25, 2006

Dear Mr. Bill O'Reilly,
I am writing this letter to respectfully request that you unblock my email address,, from emailing you at

I watch your show everyday, because I like to get my news from both liberal and conservative sources. I read blogs to get my liberal news, and watch your show, The O'Reilly Factor, to get my share of more conservative news. I like to hear from both sides.

I have always been fond of sharing my opinion, and have sent you email on occasion. Earlier this month, you read one of my emails on air, regarding Judge Connor. That was one of just three that I sent you, and in each all that I did was express my views. I value our First Amendment, and feel that we should be allowed to say what we want to say. I understand if you don't want to hear from me because my views are so different than yours, but please, at least humor me and let you send you my emails. One thing that I am very fond of on blogs is the easy ability to comment on the news story. You are making it impossible for me to comment on your news/opinions/rants.

Therefore, I would greatly appreciate, and respectfully request that my email address, is unblocked at once. Thank you very much for your time.

Respectfully Yours,

Vincent Richards

Update: It appears that I have been banned from the entire domain, so that email above didn't go through. I guess I'll just make a new one.


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